CopterLite Room software allows viewing and data management of the AT12 Series Refueling Management System.
Through a simple graphical interface, it is possible: View the data of the TERMINALS, DISPENSERS, TANKS and SATELLITES configured, Configure stations and terminals, Configure badges, drivers and vehicles and associate them with badges and terminals, Configure the operational sequences, View and print deliveries reports, Enter manual delivery.
It is also possible: Import deliveries, Export operational sequences and driver and vehicle badges, View and export traces.
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Minimum PC requirements
- Processor: Core 2 Duo
- Hard Disk: 80 GB
- RAM: 4 GB
- Video resolution: 1024x768
- Interfaces: 1 porta LAN
- Operating systems: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, Win Server 2003/2008, Ubuntu/Debian, Linux 64 bit
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